
Appreciate and love your body. It will make him appreciate and love it so much more❤️


I'm quite because I am a listener. I listen to everything you tell me.Good or bad. 

I can sit in a room full of people and not say a word. I am an observer, an introvert. 

I take in everything I see or hear and make note of it. Good or bad. 
Just a daily reminder just in case someone hasn't told you already...

Let go. Slow down. Breathe. Don't rush. Be patient. Move quietly. Take baby steps. Pray. Stay focused. Be positive. Smile. Laugh. Be honest with yourself. Love yourself. Pray. Breathe. Let go...
for everything...
It's always so risky when you meet someone new..

It's like okay, what are you here for? 
Why are you being so nice to me?
What do you want from me?
What are your true intentions?
Are you serious? 
What the hell do you want?
Stop acting like you care.
Do you really care?
Are you looking for something long term? 
Maybe we should just stay friends to avoid all the drama.
OMG I cannot catch feelings for you.
I cannot cling to you.

Now I'm clinging to you.
Don't leave me. 
I want you.
I absolutely loved this movie!! ❤️ 


Ricki Badu ❤️

I believe I've mastered the art of Silence

Dear friend...

-just know that I will always admire you. I will always support you. If you ever need me, for anything, you can call me. Just know your company is always welcome in my home. I wish nothing but the best for you. I hope all is well. I hope your family and close friends are well taken care of. You will always have a place in my heart. I will never forget you. I will never lose my love for you. I will genuinely hold on to our bond for as long as I live. I will keep you and your family in my prayers for as long as I live. I wish nothing but the best for you my friend. 

❤️ ....peace and blessings 
Private Herring ❤️ #armyguard
Dear Lord, 

Thank you❤️
So ready to be leaving in a few months. Finally a get away, a new atmosphere. A challenge. 


I just want to see myself in a different place, with a different attitude this time around next year❤️ -if you don't like where you are in life then change it..


Have you ever thought about someone so hard you wonder if they can feel you thinking about them? Like I know it something with the universe. I don't know. 


I see a man, holding his love. Wrapping his arms around her. Protecting her. The blanket wrapped around her legs, curled up to him symbolizes him keeping her safe. Her comfort zone. His head leaned forward pressed against hers. He has a stake stabbed through his eye. He is mortally wounded. He fought for her, to protect her, to win her love, and lost. Yet he continues to comfort her and keep her safe even after the fouls of his tries have failed. He's protecting her. Consoling her. She is healthy, safe, and has the ability to run at any time into the arms of another man. She has penetrated his chest cavity and is holding his heart. For if she removes her hand, he shall go lifeless. She is keeping him alive, and he is keeping her alive. She knows she can't survive without him. She can't let him go. She can't remove her hand from the one person who has made so many sacrifices for her. She will never find another to love her as he does. He is her backbone. Protector, comforter, and best friend. For without each other, both shall parish. A true image of love and a strong indication of how real love should be. Never give up on true love

-I did not write story up above!

"Loneliness is dangerous. it's addicting. Once you see how peaceful it is, you don't want to deal with people" -unknown poet.

-I mean seriously I can't stress enough how important it is to learn how to love your own company. I didn't learn this until 2015. Being in my apartment all by myself. At first it was weird, and didn't feel right...coming from a house full of people! Literally, my whole life we always had a house full in my grandpa's house lol. I didn't know how to be by myself at first, honestly i didn't like it for a minute. But after awhile I had no choice but to deal with it. I made the decision to move out, no one forced me to go out on my own. But it was honestly one the best decisions i had made for myself. It was my first time truly learning myself and being alone. Going home to my apartment is the best part of my days now lol i be so thirsty to go home and do nothing but relax, listen to music, light candles and turn the heat on lmao seriously the greatest feeling ever when you can sit by yourself and feel nothing but peace and happiness....❤️ I never understood why people think being alone means lonely or depressed! They got it all twisted. Learning to be alone is one the greatest things you will ever accomplish! ....and you're not as alone as you think when you have Faith in God ❤️

Every now and then it is good to unplug from social media to check your mind, heart, and spirit. and to confirm that family and self are taken care of...


love it..❤️

I'm so ready for my challenge that's coming up this summer ❤️ I've been blessed with an opportunity that not many people are capable of or qualified to even do. This blessing will bring me even more blessings. It will definitely help me grow as a person. I'm super excited! 
I only talk about myself to a certain extent...

peace and blessings..

I swear I fell back so hard in 2015, probably the worst year I've had. There's no better feeling than being able to pick yourself up and keep moving forward. I pray to God every night and day❤️ I never lose faith and I don't regret anything he has put me through the past few months. Growing, maturing, and progressing is what I will continue to do. I've learned how to not put myself back in the situations I was in in 2015. There is absolutely nothing wrong with having faith...


mother Badu ❤️ i love you!

from a females perspective...

From a females perspective...

-get you a MAN who wants you for more than your beautiful curves. Stop messing around with a so called "man" who doesn't have his shit together. Stop taking back these triphline ass little boys. If he did you wrong, LEAVE HIS ASS. There is no need to bring that negativity back into your life. At some point you have to let go of what you may have thought you once loved. I don't care how long you two have been dating, been in a relationship or have known eachother. There is always another man out there who will have more respect for you, love you more, and most more appreciative. It's okay to start off as friends once you two first meet. I hate when people rush into relationships only based off of physical attraction. Who cares if he gets mad because you do not want to have sex with him right away. OH FUCKING WELL. Get a man. and stop looking for love, stop being so dependent on that triphline ass "man" to get his shit together so you two can work. In other words, if his ass has played you more than once, and you two have been through it plenty of times..(the arguments, the cheating, the lies) but yet you still feel the need to hang around in hopes that he will get it together and start loving you correctly. STOP!! Stop waiting around for him, because he will not get it together anytime soon. A man will only do what you allow him to do. If you know he's been cheating and fucking around but yet you still take him back...his ass will CONTINUE to do it!! Why? Because your dumbass keeps taking him back, your allowing that behavior! At some point you are going to realize that it's just a never ending cycle. and who has the time and energy to argue all the damn time. or to even have trust issues? Who wants to deal with that nonsense in a relationship! A relationship is more than sex, physical attraction. Understand who you are getting into a relationship with. Understand each others intentions! and if you are in a relationship...obviously your intensions should be the same! My intentions are to have someone to grow with, build with, learn from. Someone who I can trust and grow beside. I want a man who has the intentions on being with me for a lifetime, not just a few months. and even we don't last a lifetime...well so be it. Atleast we did have those intentions from the start but maybe things just didn't work out over a period of time. But understand that it is okay to argue. You argue and then compromise. You don't argue about the same bullshit over and over! Once you argue about should be done and over with. Be a woman to your man. Stop with all the "I'm crazy" bullshit! It's not cute. No man wants to deal with a crazy ass female every damn day. Be his soft touch, his warmth! Be his woman that he can come home to and feel at ease. I wouldn't dare want my boyfriend/husband to not want to come home after work because he knows he has to deal with my "crazy ass" All that is unnecessary. And it will only push him away. It will push him away towards another female...a female who he feels will give him that warmth and comfort. and if the shit is not working out, LET IT GO! Stop giving these triphline ass little boys a thousand chances. Love is so unintentional and so unexpected. and it only comes to those who least expect it. Stop "searching" for love. or looking for a "bae" Work on yourself, gather yourself together. I strongly believe everything that happens in our lives is all in God's timing. Stop rushing and be patient ❤️

yes, I want to start a family one day❤️

I never get upset when the communication stops between me and another person. People come and go...i don't feel the need to engage in pointless conversations, or conversations that never going anywhere (also meaning pointless) I love a person who I can talk to daily about different things!! There's so much more to talk about than only asking me "what you doing?" I can only hold conversations with someone who is open minded, someone who can look at all different aspects. I can't stand someone with "tunnel vision" open your mind up a little. If you can only approach with me "wyd?" Then the whole point of texting me is worthless. and I don't care about having someone who I've texted maybe days or weeks in a row and then all of a sudden we don't text anymore. Bye. For one, i don't even care to text all day long. How about you call me? Offer to see me in person? I like to see emotions and reactions. You don't get that through text. We cling to texting someone because it's easier and it doesn't take a lot of effort to do. I don't mind sitting on the phone or conversing in person. That's just my personal preference❤️