

First off, I'd like to take the time to apologize to the power above me...god. I love the saying "Let Go, Let God" it's so powerful. Yet sometimes I am to scared to let go. For some reason I feel like I'm letting go of all my troubles and giving them to someone else. Well obviously that's what the quote means clearly, but... It's like idk, I'd be so stubborn and think that if I hand my problems to someone else, they're going to mess up what I think is going right or what I want to go right. I've been so stupid. Realizing everything happens for a reason, in which I am a strong believer of that quote....but I had to realize it's not working out because it's not meant to work out, it may NOT be meant to work out RIGHT NOW at this very second in my life. God has better things planned for me. He knows what's ahead me. He already knows what troubles I am going to face down the road, but those obstacles will just make me stronger mentally. I've been through so much my whole life, in which I'm sure we all can relate. Everybody has a story. You have to sit back and realize your story was made for a reason. Love your life story, embrace it! Embrace all your struggles, your hard times, and your good times! Embrace everything god has given you... and be thankful for those bad times and good times. I just get so caught up in what I'm doing, I get so stressed. And sometimes it's like I don't want to hand it over to another person...I want to work it out myself and organize everything myself. After awhile I realize I can't do it. I can't handle all that's being thrown at me! I love the fact that I am mentally strong because I WILL put myself through something for the longest trying to fix it, make it right, make it go my way.....until finally....I just break. That's when I become humble. I fall back. I realize who sits above me. I apologize to him for ignoring his abilities to help me. and then I pray again. But with me it's a never ending cycle. Once I get so caught up in something, I try and try and try to make it go my way no matter what it takes. I came to realize that I'm not asking for a handout.....I'm just asking for guidance, strength, protection, and love.


Quote Of The Day...

                                               "Let Go" 
   In other words, breath....sit back, relax, take a deep breath. Let go of all the bullsh**. Let go of anything that's stressing you. Let go of all the negativity surrounding you. BREATHE! Surround yourself with positve uplifting surroundings. Fulfil your mind with peaceful images...peaceful words.. RELAX! 


Late Night Thoughts...

Excuse me as I ramble on about complete nonsense. Or as I'd like to call it...deep thinking. Random thoughts crowd my mind, daily I think of different secenerio's. These secenerio's no one else would understand. I don't expect you to understand. First off, let me talk about relationships. It seems as though relationships are so basic. Based off of good looks and physical attraction. What about the pshychological aspect? What happened to good conversation? Have you met someone who wants to get so deep in your mind where they can look at you and know exactly what your thinking? I'd rather spend my time getting inside my partners mind, and know exactly what he's feeling, what he's thinking and his different aspects of life. I am not the type of person to come out and tell my life story. You have to actually TALK to me. And I mean really talk. There has to be good conversation in order for me to come out and talk about myself. On a day to day basis, I only talk about myself to a certain extent. I am waiting for someone who is willing and wants to undress my mind, reveal my inner thoughts, and view my aspects of life without judging me. Due to my pshychology and philosophy class, I've learned to keep an open mind and realize that not everyone thinks the same. We all don't come from the same background. I've learned not judge. I've learned to keep my eyes and ears open.